The soup and company were great, and I had a blast helping Joan, an artist, look for interesting things for her art work...see the picture below of a collection of dolls parts that prompted Joan to take out her camera - and the other auction goers to stare at the two crazy ladies laughing and taking pictures of broken dolls.

I also had fun looking for something a little unusual to put here on the blog...please see the very scared looking Easter Bunny picture below. Why so scared, Easter Bunny?

But even though I found some cool things I would have liked to bid on, I didn't register for a number so I could participate in the auction. I could use the excuse that I was pressed for time and had to run Joan and Dennis home, but I really just wimped out.
There is something intimidating about the whole process and I want to observe how it all works one more time before I jump in and start waving my number around...and if that makes me a wimp, than so be it.
Next time I write about the auction I swear I will be showing you a picture of something I bought there...even if its something really silly, I'm going to bid!
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