From My Etsy Shop - Click on "hmmosko" to enter

Monday, January 10, 2011

Now?....Now?...Did I sell something now?

Hello, my name is Heather and I am checking my shop.

I am sure there has been some study done somewhere, sometime, with rats, where they step on a button and a food pellet is released into their cage. One rodent steps on it and every time a pellet comes shooting out at them, while a different rat in the next cage steps on it and only randomly does a food pellet appear.

If I had to guess, the rat that always received the food whenever it stepped on the button would just step on it when he, or she, was hungry, with calm certainly that each time they would be rewarded...not obsessively, like the rat who is randomly given the food, I bet that rat hits that damn button every chance it gets thinking that this, this, this time...ahhh...the *&%*?! pellet will shoot out.

Sometimes I feel like the rat with the random rewards. There are times when it seems that I have the right stuff in my shop and I sell one, maybe two, items in a day. This makes me feel on the right track with what I'm selling and that I'm not wasting my time or my life -- and I am rewarded by the food pellet gods.

Other times, I can go several days without a sale, and each day that ticks by, I notice the amount of time between when I check the etsy site becomes shorter and shorter. Did I sell something (where are the darn food pellets!)

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