From My Etsy Shop - Click on "hmmosko" to enter

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Brick and Mortar vs. Virtual

When I opened my shop last July I thought it would be a good way to help supplement the family income doing something I already enjoyed - rummaging around at thrift stores and yard sales. It has had the distinct advantage of letting me make my own hours - a definite plus for a mom of two boys that are not of driving age -- and starting a business with very little risk and overhead.

So now, I have to ask myself, why am I contemplating a move that would reverse both of those advantages? The other blond and I are looking today at an empty shop in our town with the thought of opening a "brick and mortar" shop (which is kind of funny because it is actually made of brick and mortar) versus a virtual one...and I didn't sleep too good last night.

There is rent, electric bill, insurance, heating bill and regular hours that I would have to be at the shop, weekends included. Ahhh! What am I thinking?

Partially I am not thinking, I am feeling. Despite the laundry list of reasons that it would be a risky proposition, my gut reaction is excitement, joy, nervousness and a general feeling that this could be wonderful. It also scares the s*#& out of me, but maybe that's how you know you're alive...or I'm just spouting that from a motivational poster I saw once and need to get a grip.

Just going to take this one step at a time. I will post here tomorrow on how our tour of the rental property went and if we are going to step out of the virtual world and into the real one. I wish the real one didn't have so much overhead and paperwork.

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