The fastest thing I ever sold on was a set of silver salt-and-pepper shakers shaped like owls. My son, actually, was the one who found them and I put them on the site for him. He was thrilled when they sold in three-minutes flat.
The second place winner was a Cosco child's booster seat from the fifties, very mid-century modern. It sold to a man in Italy in ten-minutes.
But yesterday, there was a new winner that supplanted the salt-and-pepper shaker, shaving more than a full minute off the best time and pushing the Cosco chair into third-place. And the winner is...

Ta da...this approximately 40-plus year-old metal storage shelf from a garage sale. Sold one-minute after I put it on the etsy shop. I had a feeling it would go quickly, such a great rustic piece and still very useful. The industrial look is very hot right now, and one I like myself.

Ah, rust and dents, big sellers...quick ones too.
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