I know there are people who do miraculous things every day without even thinking about it. Doctor's save lives, teachers change lives, farmers feed us - the list goes on.
So in the big scheme of things, raising my hand with a numbered piece of paper at an auction really isn't earth shattering...but for my simple life, its a challenge I'm happy I met.

My Aunt Joan and I were just going to stop at Wehrly's Auction for a quick visit, maybe a cup of homemade soup and poke around the tables and boxes and see what goodies were going up for bid. Turned out there was a lot of great stuff and both of us were just curious enough to see how much some of these items were going to go for, so we decided to get a number and stay awhile.
Neither of us were sure we wanted to bid on anything, most of the items we liked were very collectible and there were a lot of dealers in the room, so we figured the bids were going to be a little rich for our blood. But since both of us have etsy.com shops that need inventory, we decided it was a needed learning experience - not to mention entertaining.
We went

back and forth between the room with the tools and box lots...this is where I did raise my hand and purchased this adorable Cosco stool (much to the surprise of the woman next to me who had bid on it also and didn't think anyone else really wanted it - but I did)...and the room with the higher-end collectible items. I did raise my hand again in that room too and bought this antique blue mason jar made in 1858. Couldn't pass it up.

It was almost like my hand had a will of its own. The auctioneer was doing his hundred-mile-an-hour rattling of numbers and some remote part of my brain registered that I wanted the jar and the price was very good, and the next thing I knew my hand was up and the auctioneer was pointing to me and saying "sold." Yay me.
And when they were selling box lots for a dollar, but I was feeling shy about elbowing my way into the crowd to get an old vanity mirror I'd spotted, my aunt grabbed my number and was kind enough to go up to the table and stake a claim on it for me. Yay Aunt Joan.

So my afternoon was spent having a hot dog with my aunt and two of her friends she ran into at the auction - both also are artisans and antique dealers (super interesting people, great conversations) -- purchased three nice items for my etsy.com site, and conquered my fear of the auction once and for all. May not have performed brain surgery or saved the world, but not a bad day at all.
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