Saturday my oldest son was stuck with his mom all day as my husband and younger son went on a field trip to Washington, D.C.
At first Evan was really not into checking out some newly discovered thrift stores in Lancaster...how unusual for a 15-year-old boy. So surprising. But with the bribery of lunch out at a diner - food is a big motivator anymore -- he begrudgingly hopped into the old Suburban with me and we headed northward.
The first place we stopped was a small thrift store run by a Mennonite church, and there were some good finds. Here is the set of Ransburg Canisters I found there...

After that I took him to the promised diner where he wolfed down a cheeseburger, fries and a rootbeer before I finished half my sandwich. It was a nice restaurant filled with people coming and going from Christmas shopping and Saturday chores. I actually got filled in on some of the goings on at school - more than the usual "its fine." He even admitted he was having fun poking around the stores with me.
Next we headed northward again to a place that promised 20,000 square feet of thrift store, great bargains...not so much. It was bigger than your usual Salvation Army or Goodwill, but the prices were as well. Not much for me to buy that would leave enough room in the price for any profit. I did find this Mid-century tea service in stainless steel on sale and decided to get it.

In the end I probably didn't find any great treasures...except one, a few hours one-on-one with a fifteen-year-old who seems to grow up right before my eyes. Priceless.
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