They made the bus by the skin of their teeth and then I ran for the door, there was a barn sale starting in half and hour at a retirement community in Maryland. But I couldn't leave, I lost my keys...under the giant pile of clothes I had just dumped out of my husband's drawer looking for the ace bandage. I am not even making this up.
Twenty-minutes later than I wanted, Linda, her mom Lee and I finally made it to the sale, which was super crowded and a little overwhelming at first, there was a lot of stuff, everywhere. It took me a couple minutes to focus, but I finally got down to it and spotted the area of the room where the "craft supplies" had been piled up. At first I didn't see anything that caught my eye, then I noticed there were still boxes that hadn't been emptied under the table. Yay.
I immediately squatted down and sorted through a box and found an entire bolt (over 8 yards) of English black lace, beautiful. To make it even better, I found a note pinned to it from the man who'd donated it. It said his wife's family had sent the lace from Scotland over 20-years-ago, and now that she was gone, he hoped they would know what to do with it. There is a picture of the lace below and the note. It's gorgeous and I know someone on will love it and know exactly what to do with it to create wonderful things.

Then I came across a great mid century modern wooden duck plaque. Trust me, even as I write this I know those words sounds silly to get excited about, but it appealed to me. And now I will put it on and hope it will appeal to someone else, too.

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