Today it was a blond and a brunette in a Suburban as my friend Beth and I headed to York to run some errands - Sam's Club for supplies for Will's Boy Scout camping trip this weekend and ant killer from Lowes (the excitement in my life never ends!).
I talked Beth into a stop at the thrift store and she agreed, which was very nice of her because she has less than no interest in poking around old stuff, but she was a trooper and even carried a train case for me while I loaded a basket with ceramics.
As I was putting three Homco Christmas angles in my basket, which were my favorite find for the day (they are in my etsy shop if you'd like to see them), Beth spotted the freakiest find of the day...the three wise men made of coke bottles, a gold sparkly ornament for the head and felt coats. The sight stopped us in our tracks and she took a picture with her her phone so I could start what will be a regular feature here..."The Strangest Thing I Saw Today..."

Creepy Christmas Stuff- new category all together!
ReplyDeleteI think that could be an entire blog itself. We can start with the creepy elf/santa your mom got :-)