Lucky for me, I convinced Linda that this would be worthwhile trip and by 7:30AM we were making our way in her van to the wilds of Eastern York County. We did find the sale, which was being hosted by a very nice lady and her granddaughter, and we did find a few things. Linda got a big, oblong, rusted tin basin that would be great as a planter.
I can't decide which of my purchases I liked the best. I found a desk lamp and alarm clock from the 70's that was never used and still has the instruction book, very minimalist looking. But I also really like a pair of tin lidded canisters - big ones - that have an Amish design, probably 70's too. They'll both be on my etsy site in about an hour.
Now, for the strangest thing of the day, found at another Salvation Army store...who wants to curl up with the cute and cuddly teddy bear made of sharp sea shells?

OK, now to fold and put away Mount Laundry, but tomorrow morning...