The good part of the day was the gorgeous drive through the countryside, it led us to a little town just on the west side of the Susquehanna river. When we arrived we found there was not only a church charity sale, but it was a town wide yard sale, as well.
Plus, a Bricker's Fries truck had come for the occasion and was parked on Main Street, so the boys couldn't have cared less about anything else - they would have made the trip just for a breakfast of greasy fries.
In the end, we had to be content with enjoying a beautiful May morning, and for me, the company of my teenage sons, but not much in the way of finding things for my shop. I have never walked to so many yard sales within such a small area and found so little.

The boys, however, were excited to find an inflatable boat still in the box for $1. So as a reward for being troopers and walking around this town full of cra...stuff we really didn't want...I took them and a friend to a park nearby with a creek. They spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the water with their new boat while I sat on a blanket (incidentally, found at a yard sale the week before) and read a book I had also bought that day.