My Aunt Joan, Linda and my son Evan (that's the top of his head in his British flag hat in the picture below) all decided to get an early start to the day and headed to a church having a fund raising sale. We arrived 10-minutes before they opened to find a line that stretched clear across the parking lot.
At exactly 8:00AM the doors opened and............ahhhhhh!

Now I'm not saying there wasn't some good old stuff there - there was -- or that I haven't been jostled around at a sale before - I have -- but this was a bit crazy. I really had trouble even focusing there were so many tables of things and people elbowing their way around the floor.
Linda was able to gather her whits and focus on the task at hand - finding cool old stuff -- and did well, scoring a vintage set of Raggedy-Ann and Andy lamps, some beautiful tea-towels and a hand-carved owl.

As I squeezed my way closer to some tables, I watched a woman by the furniture area. I envied her, she was composed enough in all the chaos to grab a volunteer working at the sale and buy some really beautiful pieces before I'd even picked up my first piece of pottery and turned it over.
Finally, I was able to get my hands on a couple cute things, and one really stunning old bible. This sold the next day in my shop.

Linda and I left the sale to continue on with our day, each running some errands, but by lunchtime both of us wanted to take another stab at it after the crowds had died down. So we picked up her mom and headed back. We found only a few people milling around and were able to poke around at a more leisurely pace, and each of us actually did find several nice things even after the crowds had scoured the tables.
Plus, we each enjoyed a hot dog with saukraut...that was worth the trip back in itself.