Linda and I started out bright and early this morning for the Salvation Army, they were having their early "Black Friday" sale, everything in the store was 1/2 know we were there when they opened the doors. But as you would expect, so were about a hundred other people. In the end, I didn't find anything too notable, but we did come across these two lamps that stopped both Linda and I in our tracks, startled at the sheer size and realism of these luminaries...

...both are ceramic and several feet high, and I don't know which makes me smile more, the boy in blue or the two squirrels fighting over a nut.
We'd planned on just going to this sale and then home, but since neither of us found any great treasures, we just couldn't turn back right away. Then I remembered a church thrift store about 15 minutes away I hadn't shown Linda yet, so we headed there. And I'm glad we did. I found this beautiful chenille spread - oh, how I love a pretty chenille spread.

Still not completely depleted of the urge to pick through stuff - although depleted of any more cash -- we stopped at a little shop crammed full of goodies on the way home. Neither Linda or I had ever been there before, but my Aunt Joan had been telling me to stop there for years, but it had been closed whenever I went by...not today.
Today it was open and we found lots of great things - a new spot to explore, yay! When I came across a tin bread box I just had to have it to put in my etsy shop, so I brought it up the the counter and whipped out my debit card, everybody takes those now...apparently, that's not so. Not wanting to leave empty handed, Linda was kind enough to empty her pockets and add it to the meager pile of coins in mine. As the woman behind the counter watched, we scooped the piles of pennies at the bottom of our bags and came up with the exact amount we needed.

The woman was still sorting our change as I walked out with the bread box under my arm.